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My Goal is the Same As Yours: An Excellent Outcome for Your Divorce.

When it comes to the divorce process, experience counts and excellence matters. After almost three decades practicing Family Law, I know how critical it is that you have someone in your corner to ensure that nothing gets overlooked. Everything I do is with my clients’ best interests in mind.

I represent both women and men, with an expertise in all manner of divorce-and-family-law situations, including highly complex divorce cases, high-asset divorce settlements, contentious child custody conditions, alimony, pre-and-post nuptial agreements, division of property and post-judgment matters.

If who I am and what I do sounds like a good match for your challenges, contact me for a confidential consultation. Who knows? Talking with me may be just the help you’re looking for. you’re looking for. Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful experiences that can happen to you. As one of the Best Divorce Lawyers in Michigan, I am here to help you. Divorce brings with it emotional and financial difficulties compounding anxiety and emotions. Our firm specializes in amicable outcomes for both parties in order to reduce the stress associated with divorce. Each case is unique which is why my approach is always individualistic, because of this I have earned the reputation of being the best Divorce Lawyer Troy MI.
Finding a compassionate, knowledgeableDivorce Lawyer Troy MI is not easy but with our service, you are guaranteed to have a set of knowledgeableTroyMIDivorce Lawyerson hand to assist you. We know that your children’s needs are at the forefront of your mind, and I handle child custody and parenting plan schedules as delicately as possible to minimize emotional backlash. By getting assistance with the best Troy MI Divorce Attorneys you are guaranteed a personal approach with a professional service that always has you, our client, in mind.
Are you looking for a Divorce Law Attorney in Troy Mi and want favorable results from your case? Amy A. Stawski is considered to be the Best divorce Law Lawyer in Troy Michigan and is ready to understand your case and provide options & recommendations that generate a favorable outcome. She is a reputed divorce Law attorney in Troy Mi and is committed to providing you with her best efforts and fighting for your desired outcome.